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1920 × 1080 Resolution Sensor

The T20 is equipped with a 1920 × 1080 resolution sensor. This provides you with clear vision and enhanced visual experience, whether it is day or night.

Wi-Fi integration with RIX+ APP

The T20 comes with a built-in Wi-Fi module, allowing for seamless connectivity between the device and your Android or iOS smartphone via the RIX+ app. This powerful combination offers several benefits, including wireless software updates and live image streaming directly to your mobile device screen.

Picture-in-Picture Function (PIP)

The T20 is also equipped with a PIP (picture-in-picture) function. When enabled, the T20 will display a zeroing frame on the screen. It allows the user to observe the image in the aiming area while maintaining visual control of the entire field of view at the same time.

Photo and Video Recording

The T20 offers built-in photo and video recording capabilities, allowing you to capture your remarkable moments effortlessly, day or night. Moreover, the T20 provides the flexibility to adjust the recording settings, including clarity and frame rate, ranging from 1280×720 (30fps) to 1920×1080 (60fps).

Rix Tourer T-20

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